P.E. and School Sport at St Mary’s

P.E DAYS - Please ensure your child comes in their P.E kit on the days listed below

Monday -
Tuesday - Reception and Year 4

Wednesday -Year 6 and Year 3

Thursday - Year 2

Friday - Year 1 and Year 5


Please can you ensure your child has the correct kit in school on their P.E. days.

Children should wear;

  • Plain white T-Shirt

  • Blue / Black Shorts

  • Plimsolls / Trainers

For any outdoor P.E. lessons children should also have;

  • Warm jumper

  • Blue / Black Tracksuit bottoms / Sport leggings

  • Trainers

Children must not wear any jewellery for P.E. and long hair must be tied back.

Any suitable donations of old P.E. kit would be greatly received for our small selection of spare P.E. kit.

At St Mary’s sport and physical activity is an important part of school life. We give children the opportunity to try many different sports and activities both as part of their curriculum during PE lessons and through extracurricular opportunities.

We are very fortunate at St. Mary’s to have fantastic grounds and facilities. We have an all-weather MUGA pitch so that rain can’t stop play, a trim trail and Friends of St Mary’s have generously paid for new sports markings on the playground. We are always seeking to develop and improve our facilities and are planning to improve the existing trim trail.

Competitive Sport

We have a number of intra house competitions in school which enable all children to experience and compete in different sports and activities.  These include netball, football, basketball, hockey, tag rugby and athletics.  Children can develop different skills, find sports they enjoy and learn important values including determination, respect and working as part of a team. 

These competitions also provide children with opportunities to experience competitive sport in school and gain experience before competing in inter school events through the Harrogate School Sports Partnership.


The Harrogate School Sports Partnership arranges sports competitions between schools in Harrogate and Knaresborough.  These include sports hall athletics, swimming, football tag rugby, tri-golf, cross country and mini tennis.

The link opposite provides more information on the partnership and a calendar showing for the year’s activities.